Association of Banquet and Catering Services

It is a non-commercial organization created to form and develop a strong professional community in the field of catering and banquet services in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and neighboring countries.

Professional catering market in Russia and the CIS turned 25 years old in 2018.

Business becomes more difficult every year, and the challenges more serious.

Networking, exchange of experience, cooperation of market operators, joint purchases - All these things are important resources.

Take part

It is time to unite!

Inspirer: is the first industry portal about catering in Russia and the CIS.
Founders: Corpus Group is the owner of the first Russian catering brand Figaro.
Novikov Catering is leading premium catering in Russia, part of the Arkady Novikov companies group.
Via Delle Rose is the only Russian catering member of the European Event Catering Association.


All members


- Association of professionals

- Resource for development

- A platform for sharing experiences

- Opportunities for cooperation


- Official status

- Working groups on current issues

- Meetings of business owners

- Mentorship

Members’ benefits

Access to closed Association chats

Special conditions from partners

Savings on joint purchases

Expert support

Informational resources

Access to closed Association events

Right to use Association logo

Participation in partner industry events with special conditions

Special conditions for trainings in the First School of Catering

Closed Associations events

Ежегодное Собрание Ассоциации 2024


Подведены итоги работы АКБС 2023


Слёт шеф-поваров АКБС 2023


Цикл круглых столов в городах РФ


Слет банкетных менеджеров 2023


Quarterly online Coach-sessions

September 15th,

"Alternative scenarios for catering: how to come out on top",

Dmitry Moiseev, Lark Cafe, Moscow

November 17-18,

"Catering Efficiency 2020",

Ekaterina Pavlencheva, KATE RING, Moscow.

Diana Salavatova, Azbuka Vkusa Catering, Moscow.

Take part

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